PARS Blog – Introducing new PARS qualifications – a brand new playwork adventure! By Helen Dee, Lead IQA (Internal Quality Assurance), PARS Assessment Team

Exciting news! We are currently finalising our new Level 2 and Level 3 PARS Customised Qualifications, which we are hoping will be accredited by NCFE. Our PPP4 CQ has proved very popular and is currently running for the third time. However, one thing that some participants have told us is that going straight in at Level 4 has been a bit of a leap (Level 4 is the equivalent to the first year of an undergraduate degree here in the UK). And lots of managers have asked us to provide accredited PARS training at other levels so that their staff can develop their PARS theory and practice in a more gradual way. So we are expecting a lot of interest in these new Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications, especially as they will (hopefully!) be accredited by NCFE.

Why is it important to have accredited programmes like PPP2, PPP3 and PPP4? Well, it’s very easy to attend a great bit of training and think ‘wow this will change my practice’, but how often in the busy world we live in does that result in; go home, the dog’s been sick, the son needs help with quadratic equations (what the hell are they anyway?) and then there is tea to make for everyone…. and the course is at least partly forgotten. So if doing the PARS qualifications leads to putting the PARS model into practice and reflecting a little on it and hey ? sharing it with your colleagues and asking them their opinions before submitting some work, then how much more valuable does it become? And then it leads to a certificate to prove you have actually developed your PARS playwork practice as a result of the course.

Hopefully lots more practitioners who work with children will feel the same way and want to use our new PARS Playwork Practice qualifications to demonstrate their playwork knowledge and skills. Level 4 is challenging, and it is meant to be, but it is hard to jump straight in, so hopefully many more people will be able to work up to PPP4 now that there will be a climbing frame to get there. Practitioners around the world are telling us that PARS is amazingly helpful to all their work with children, so we are really excited about our brand new playwork adventure and want more people to be able to access our accredited PARS playwork training. Do take a look round our website for more information, and get in touch if you would like to join us!

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