PARS Training Course Evaluation

1. Course Title, Date & Venue

2. Which parts of the course will you put into practice?

3. How engaging was your trainer?

4. Are there any parts of the course will you find it difficult to put into practice?

5. How would you rate your trainer's knowledge of the material?

6. How clear was the presentation of information?

7. How helpful were the course materials (slides and handouts)

8. Please rate the venue

9. Based on your above answers, how could we improve the course?

10. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

11. Would you be able to give us a quote about the course that we could use in our publicity? (please provide your name and email address so that we can contact you)

12. Are you interested in attending future PARS courses? PPP2, PPP3 or PPP4? Or becoming a PARS Licensed Trainer? If so, please give your name so that we can contact you about future courses.

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